Museum of the AGP
(General Administration
of Ports)
Port history, present and future.
Port history,
present and future.
Oriented towards spreading the history, the present and the future projection of the General Administration of Ports, the Museum promotes the generation of spaces dedicated to the diffusion of our culture and identity, ratifying a commitment to the preservation and appreciation of our historic heritage.
The creation of the Museum conforms to the program of activities aimed at the community by the AGPSE’S CENCAPOR (Port Training National Centre). We are working to develop a cultural and educational node which will provide the possibility of discovering, experimenting, and understanding port activities both with the creation of a specific meeting place and also with the offer of a varied itinerary of exhibitions and port tours.
Taller Internacional de relación Puerto-Ciudad
AGP participará en la Noche de los Museos 2024
Estudiantes del Instituto de Formación Técnica Superior “Islas Malvinas” visitaron el Puerto
Estudiantes estadounidenses visitaron el Puerto Buenos Aires
Estudiantes de la Universidad de Buenos Aires visitaron el Puerto Buenos Aires
El Museo AGP presenta fotolibro con imágenes históricas restauradas
Publicación de la colección “Postales en Estiba: ayer y hoy del corazón portuario”
La primera visita abierta al Puerto Buenos Aires
Argentine Port Identity
Contributions of the AGP to the construction of The Nation
The exhibition Argentine Port Identity: Contributions of the AGP to the Construction of The Nation opens the first stage of the AGP Museum. The display proposes taking a look at the past, present, and future of our country from a strategic place: the port which gave us birth. Each of the spaces into which this exhibition is organized allows us to learn about significant aspects of the port universe by showing diverse material and symbolic testimonies. Through these anchorages, the AGP invites us to reflect on the port activity, and its importance for the region and for the development of a productive and federal country.

Space 1
Drawing up our history towards the future
Space 1
Drawing up our history towards the future
In this space, important chapters of the history of the port and of The Nation are recovered. Besides, through interactive technological devices, it is possible to become immersed in the world of work in the ports, and experience some of the tasks carried out there.
See displaySpace 2
Putting together the port of fulfilled dreams
Space 2
Putting together the port of fulfilled dreams
The images and objects found here give us the possibility to see and understand life in yesterday’s and today’s port, and allow us to meet those who contribute to the life and history of the port: its workers.
See displaySpace 3
Between land and water
Space 3
Between land and water
In this space, it is possible to walk on the material traces of a fundamental relationship for the development of The Nation: that of the port and the railway. A tour which allows us to approach the landscape of the River Plate littoral by means of the reconstruction of its typical vegetation.
See displaySpace 4
Towards more efficient and safer navigation
Space 4
Towards more efficient and safer navigation
These objects, which belong to the AGP’s asset heritage, let us become familiar with the shapes, the materials, the technification of key elements for the efficiency and safety of a port.
See displayVisitas
Jul 2010 — Dec 2011 | Aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit |
Jul 2011 — Dec 2013 | Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada |
Jul 2013 — Dec 2016 | Aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit |
Jul 2016 — Dec 2018 | Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada |
Jul 2018 — Dec 2020 | Aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit |
Jupiter X